Toppers Pizza
Toppers Pizza is a regional pizza chain located in the midwest. For many a midwesterner, their first exposure to Toppers happened around 2:30 am, in a dorm room after a night of 20-something revelry. Now, while that may have started the love affair, these pies are far from drunk food. The pizza legit tastes good. And for years as we partnered with Toppers we continued to remind the core base of college students why they love Toppers talking to them as a friend and not an advertiser, while also growing their base to those still young at heart.
The following is a collection of just the tip of the iceberg of what we did for Toppers throughout our partnership as we launched new products, created in-store messages, produced TV and gained new franchisees.
The brief was simple. Toppers Pizza tastes awesome. Our solution was to create a bunch of idiotic, Jackass style stunts that proved no matter what happened to it, the pizza still tasted delicious.
This brand heritage piece was printed on giant blocks of wood and displayed massively on the walls of every franchise. It was a blast to talk to the founder and hear him tell the story of the chains beginnings and what they stood for and then spin it into this. And the hand drawn type is very, very choice.
We even had an ad appear on Jay Leno’s ‘headlines’ segment which was, both awesome and the exact kind of thing to fuel our fan base given how milquetoast Leno’s show was.